Friday, July 2, 2010

Yes, yes you are a champion now.

American Psycho

Ron Artest is a crazy person.

During his rookie year, Ron Artest applied for a job at Circuit City in Chicago because, “you just never know.”

Ron Artest owns a record label called Tru Warier (sic) and in an interview as a member of the Indiana Pacers, he decided to plug the album of his R&B group.

After the Celtics beat the Lakers in 2008, Ron Artest ran into the shower with Kobe (yes, while Kobe was still showering) and told him that he was going to help him win another championship.

Ron Artest has dyed his hair purple, blonde, and other colors not to mention the random designs and words that were carved into his head.

Ron Artest once appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel Show in nothing but his underwear.

When he joined the Lakers, Ron Artest chose the number 37 because that was the number of weeks that Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” album remained at #1.

During a game at Detroit, Ron Artest jumped into the stands and attacked several fans, sparking a near riot and got suspended for a record 73 games that season.

After winning his first NBA championship, Ron Artest thanked his psychiatrist for helping him calm down during the NBA finals.  He also plugged his new rap single, “Champion”, hit the club and went to sleep with his game jersey still on.

At that same interview, Ron Artest dedicated his championship to his Indiana Pacer teammates who he felt he let down that night in Detroit.  Keep in mind that he went into the stands because a fan threw a cup of beer at him.

Ron Artest is one of the best defensive players of our generation.

In a world where professional athletes abuse their power with their fame and fortune, Ron Artest has never been arrested for rape, drugs or guns.  He’s never been in the media for being a deadbeat dad.

Ron Artest doesn’t forget where he came from.  He always give shout-outs to his Queensbridge housing projects and returns there in the off season to donate his time and money.

During the same year that he won Defensive Player of the Year, Ron Artest was being paid less than half of what he was worth – but you never heard him complain.  With all the rich athletes that don’t work hard, Ron Artest never takes a play off.

Ron Artest isn’t perfect but he has the courage to always be himself – even if it means revealing his insecurities to the world. In a world of hype and false images (ahem, Tiger), Ron Artest is brutally honest.   

Last time I checked, you can always depend on honest people.


  1. i always found it interesting that those who don't conform to social norms are considered weird. i can't even imagine a world where people actually said what they were thinking when they were thinking it. i guess Ron Artest is only a glimpse into that world. it's a rather entertaining place.

    and the song's not bad at all.

  2. Great piece Jus as always. Ron is an intriguing figure no doubt. It really makes you re-evaluate the merits of craziness. He's very comparable to Dennis Rodman (who was also very calculated in his craziness). The only difference is that Ron seems a whole lot more sincere about.
