Monday, May 10, 2010

She is not the same, she is an alien

I Am Legend.

Oprah is not human.  At least we can no longer hold her to the same expectations as other earthlings.  She recently announced that she will be starting her own cable network and brand new primetime show to match.  When we praise famous athletes like Michael Jordan, we use statistics as proof.  So I’m going to throw out a few of Oprah’s stats – ESPN style – to show how Oprah has entered a completely new realm of success.


Oprah fortune is estimated at $2.3 Billion (Yes, that’s billion with a “B).  Let me put that in perspective.  That’s more money than the GDP of 28 countries in the world.  And to think, she did it as a black woman during the 60’s and 70’s who grew up poor in Mississippi and was raped by her father and lost that child during infancy.  I bet that accomplishment is sounding a bit more impressive now. 


That’s how many Emmy awards The Oprah Winfrey show has won since it began back in 1984.  Oprah won the award so many times that she decided to remove her name for consideration… 12 years ago!  Everyone knew that the award was going to Oprah so she decided to let someone else win.  That level of “swag” is enough to make Jay-Z, Kanye, Lil’ Wayne and T.I. bow down and kiss the ring.


That’s the increase in sales that Garrett Popcorn received in one month after being selected as one of Oprah’s “favorite things”.  Basically after Oprah recognized its existence, that business doubled in just 30 days.  Oprah is a one-woman stimulus package.  If you are a business owner and Oprah likes you, you are guaranteed success.  This impact is so strong that CNBC did an hour-long special called The Oprah Effect.


That’s the number of husbands and children that Oprah currently has.  Not only did she redefine television and media but she also set a new standard for how professional women are portrayed.  She isn’t defined by her ability to be a wife and a mother but by the same standards of success that men are.  Sure she has a man, but why get married?  Half of $2.3 billion is a lot to give up if things don’t work out (Gangster.).  She chose not to have kids because she feels fulfilled with the tens of thousands of children around the world that she is able to help.  But don’t get it twisted, she may not have any kids but she has definitely created people.  Rachel Ray, Gayle and Dr. Phil are wildly successful and before Oprah, they didn’t exist. (Super. Gangster.)


Oprah is one of one.  That means none before her and none to come.


  1. Yeah....Oprah is gangster on so many levels. Its just amazing to be able witness this happening in real time.

    Prof X

  2. her stat sheet is sick. wish i had copped her rookie card
