Tuesday, December 21, 2010

You know what really grinds my gears...


I hate people.

Correction:  I hate people that are like you.

The problem is, anyone can possibly be you and completely ruin my day.  So I’d rather be safe than sorry and assume everyone is you until proven otherwise.

So I take that back.  

Because of you, I hate people.

It doesn’t matter if I’m around 1,000 people, if you show up, I’m no longer happy.  For example, I never watch a movie opening weekend.  Do you know why?  Because when I do, you decide to sit directly behind me and talk through the entire movie.  You want to ask your friend who that character is and what did he just say.  Sometimes you even have conversations in Spanish or decide to talk on your cell phone.  I love going to the movies but I hate being there when you’re there.

If I’m riding the bus heading home, you feel its necessary to have that conversation with your boyfriend that involves you screaming at the top of your lungs about why he “ain’t do this and why he don’t never do that”.  The only thing I hate more than the volume of your voice is your lack of basic grammar.  I would love nothing more than to just ignore you but my iPod can’t drown out your level of ignorance.

I hate going clubs because you are all over the place.  Either you are a meathead bouncer or you’re a person who doesn’t even begin to understand the concept of personal space.  You’re also super obnoxious at sporting events, impossible to stand next to at a concert, ask five too many questions on line at the store…  Aarrghhh, I can’t take it. 

It’s probably because you didn’t do too well in school or didn’t get enough love at home when you were a child.  You probably aren’t very successful in life and hate your dead end job.  I know you don’t like your life but that’s no excuse to try and ruin mine.   It’s not my fault that you’ve never been good at anything… well except for annoying me.

You might say, “damn Justin, you sound really arrogant.”  Well its because I’m a better person than you are.  I understand being considerate of other people and learned basic social skills like manners and etiquette.   Most of the time I choose to ignore you because you simply aren’t worth the air that I breathe but for this one moment only, I’ll talk to you.  In fact, I’ll even call you by your name.  Coincidentally, your name makes reference to the region of my body that you’re welcome to kiss at anytime.


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