Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Last Lineup of the Summer...

The Lineup: August ‘10

What I can’t live without: Inspiration.  The 4-Hour Workweek.  Without question one of the two most inspirational books that I’ve ever read and it couldn’t have come at a better time for me.  All great accomplishments require some level of “outside-the-box thinking” and this book not only lets you in on the secret but also draws out a map for you to get there.
(Related: Dark Blue (Wed 9pm TNT))

You’re currently sleeping on:  Dov Davidoff.  Has a unique style that is reminiscent of the late, great George Carlin.  His witty observation humor is only matched by his raunchiness.  Check him out.
(Related: The soundtrack for the show Entourage)

Peeve of the month: People who talk during movies.  Irritates me to no end.  And if I have to explain why it’s annoying then I probably hate you too.

Turd award goes to…: The Other Guys.  You know how they say, “I hope they didn’t show all of the good parts in the trailer?”  Well, they got it half right.  All of the good parts were in half the trailer.
(Related: The Expendables - I didn't even pay for it and I'm still upset.)

You should have Netflix’d: The Losers.  Great action with a solid plot and good acting, you can’t ask for much more than that… especially when Zoe Saldana is involved.
(Related: Green Zone – Matt Damon is no joke.)

Pointless cliché of the month: “Everything happens for a reason”. Of course it does.

Had to make room on my iPod for: Wale’s More About Nothing mixtape.  Wale is one of my 3 favorite new artists making music right now.  His Seinfeld-based concepts are original and the depth of his songs is refreshing.  A must have.
(Related: Rick Ross, Jeezy, Drake, J. Cole)

Would rather die than… : hear another thing about Lindsey Lohan. Who the f**k cares?!?!?!
(Related: Anything to do with a Kardashian or any football player VH1 is stupid enough to give a television show to)

Wouldn’t trade places with: Laurence Fishburne.  His daughter just released a porno.  I don’t care how successful those Matrix movies were, having your daughter take a money shot is a fate worse than death.  S-M-D-H.

Can’t wait for... : NFL Football!  Not much detail is necessary.
(Related: Sons of Anarchy - JAAAXXXX!!!!)


  1. I went to the store to buy this on your recommendation but it was closed! Going to try to pick it up today. :)


  2. I liked The Other Guys, though. On the other hand, I thought Losers was pretty average. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything special at all. I'll have to check out Green Zone though.

    And yeah, no amount of money is worth seeing your daughter's money shot. Damn.

    Definitely will check out 4-Hour Work Week.
